First Name
Last Name
Current residential address
Reason for moving
From now until the end of our time together, will you be traveling?
Yes, I have travel planned
No, I won't be traveling
Do you anticipate any periods where you won’t be available via email within 1-2 hours during work hours Sydney time? If so, what dates and times will you be unavailable?
What suburbs would you like to live in?
List all of the SUBURBS that you're happy to live in.
Do not specify areas (eg "within 10km of the City" or "North Shore").
Do not list school catchments.
Do not list postcodes.
You MUST list individual suburbs.
If you’re unsure where you'd like to live, let me know what you’re looking for in the area that you want to live in and the sorts of things you’d like to be close to and I can make some suggestions.
NB: depending on the timing of your move and other circumstances, we might define your suburbs at the feasibility study stage when the prevailing market conditions are known.
Are the children going to share a room/s or have separate rooms?
If there is more than one adult, are they a couple or singles?
What type of property are you after?
Select all that apply
Studio - a studio is one room (16sqm - 40sqm) that serves as a bedroom, living room and kitchen, with a separate bathroom. There is usually no balcony.
Granny Flat - this is a small, self-contained 1-2-bedroom home of no more than 60m² that is built in the backyard of an already existing house. Access to the granny flat is typically through the front yard, back yard or side path of the primary property. The primary property (house) will have the owners or other tenants residing there. The garden is often shared.
Attached House (townhouse, semi, terrace, duplex)
Free-standing house
If the property is a unit, is it ok for it to have two-storeys ie the bedrooms upstairs and the living room downstairs?
I don’t mind either way / I'm not renting a unit
The unit must have only one floor
I prefer a single level but it’s ok if there are two storeys
If the property is a house, what is the maximum number of levels that it can be?
The home must be single level only
The home must be no more than two storeys
The home must be no more than three storeys
I have no preference / I'm not renting a house
Preferred style of the property (eg art deco, new, original condition, renovated)
For houses: is it ok if there is a granny flat in the back yard that is leased separately to other people?
A granny flat is a self-contained small home of 60m² built in the backyard of an already existing house. Access to the granny flat is typically through the front yard, back yard or side path of the primary property.
I don’t mind either way / I'm not renting a house
I prefer not to have a separately-leased granny flat on the property
I won’t rent a home if it has a separately-leased granny flat
Are built-ins essential for you?
I don't mind either way: I can purchase / provide wardrobes if the home doesn't have built-ins
Yes - essential in at least 1 bedroom
Yes - essential in at least 2 bedrooms
Yes - essential in at least 3 bedrooms
Yes - essential in at least 4 bedrooms
Minimum number of bathrooms needed
Will you rent a home that doesn't have a bath?
No - my home must have a bath
Yes - I will rent a home without a bath
Is it essential that there is at least one stand-alone shower that is separate from the bath (ie mobility prevents you from stepping over the bath to access the shower)?
A combined bath and shower is ok
I need at least one shower to be stand-alone, not combined with the bath
How many vehicles will the household have?
What type of vehicle is vehicle 1
N/A - I don't have any vehicles
What type of vehicle is vehicle 2
N/A - I don't have a second vehicle
What type of vehicle is vehicle 3
N/A - I don't have a third vehicle
What type of vehicle is vehicle 4
N/A - I don't have a fourth vehicle
If you are planning to rent a house, is a swimming pool:
No preference either way / I'm not planning to rent a house
I’d prefer to have one
I’d prefer not to have one
A deal-breaker: home must have a pool
A deal-breaker: home must not have a pool
Is a balcony (unit) / garden (house):
Not needed
A preference
A deal-breaker: my home must have an outdoor space
Houses only: do you / your pets / children need the yard to have grass?
Deal-breaker: I won't rent a home unless it has a grassed yard
Not applicable or I / we don't need any grass
Houses only: do you / your pets / children need the yard to be fully-fenced?
Deal-breaker - if there's a yard, it has to be fully-fenced
Not applicable / I don't need the yard to be fully-fenced
Will you be moving with pets?
If you have pet/s, what type, breed and weight are they, and are they indoor or outdoor pets?
Please state:
Type of pet, eg dog
Breed, eg Poodle
Weight, eg 8kg
Indoor / outdoor pet
All of the above details are needed for your search
Note: whilst it's not impossible, owners and stratas generally don't allow dogs >10kg in units. If you have a dog that is >10kg, please consider renting a house (attached or free-standing).
If you don't have a pet, write N/A
A dishwasher is:
No preference
Deal-breaker: the home must have a dishwasher or space for me to provide one
Deal-breaker: I won't rent a home unless it has a dishwasher
Do you need ample bench space and storage in your kitchen, or is a small kitchen ok?
A small kitchen is ok (bench space 1 metre long and 6 cupboards only) - this is fine for me
Deal-breaker: I need ample bench space
Deal-breaker: I need ample storage (minimum 10 cupboards or 8 cupboards and a pantry)
Deal-breaker: I need both ample bench space and ample storage space
Do you need storage in your property?
Not needed
Preferred (I have other options if the home doesn't have storage)
How do you feel about living on a major main road with 2 or 3 lanes of traffic in each direction (eg Pacific Highway, Parramatta Rd, Princes Hwy?
I'm OK with living on a main road
I prefer not to live on a main road
Deal-breaker: I will not rent a home that is on a main road
How do you feel about living in a home that is within 100m the train line?
I don’t mind living <100m from the train line
I prefer not to live <100m from the train line
Deal-breaker: I won’t rent a home that is <100m from the train line
Are you bringing a washing machine with you to your new home? If so, is it a top-loader or front-loader?
Not bringing a washing machine
Bringing a front-loader
Bringing a top-loader
Do you require a dedicated laundry?
I don’t mind if the laundry is in a dedicated room or in the kitchen or bathroom
Preference: I prefer to have a dedicated laundry
Deal-breaker: I won’t rent a home unless it has a dedicated laundry
(houses only): If there’s an external laundry (eg in the garden), is this ok?
Yes / not applicable
(unit blocks only): Is an external shared laundry ok?
Yes / not applicable
If you have mobility / access concerns, what is the maximum number of consecutive stairs that you can walk up / down?
Not applicable - I don't have any mobility / access concerns
I can't walk up any steps at all
I can walk up 5 consecutive steps
I can walk up stairs from the ground floor to the first floor
I can walk up stairs from the ground floor to the second floor
Is there anything that you are worried or particularly anxious about in terms of your move?
Are there any deal-breakers that are NOT mentioned above? Please list them in POINT FORM here
What are your top three priorities for your home?
Is there anything about your situation that you feel is unique, special, different or just things that you feel I ought to know so that I can help you better?
I’m very interested in things such as: claustrophobia, fear of heights, physical health concerns, anxiety, people with special needs, pets with special needs, or anything you feel you’d like me to know so that I can help you better.
What is most important to you:
Keeping to my rental BUDGET - above all else, I cannot extend my budget
Living WHERE I want to live - above all else, I must live in the suburbs I've specified
Living HOW I want to live - above all else, I must maintain my desired quality and standard of home
I've read the FAQs sheets and any questions I have, have been addressed to my satisfaction
I agree